
It's Been A While..

Its been a while since the last time that I basically posted a blog entry. I'm not really sure about what happened with my old blog. It contains every detail of my teenage years but it disappeared without any notifications or whatsoever.

Well, anyway, a lot has been going to in my life for the past few months. And I though "Hey! I should have everything documented." Yeah, so just you know, I'm by the way, a Mass Communications graduate; meaning I would like to have everything documented as much as possible. Could be via photo, video or yeaahh.. as obvious, a blog entry.

I have a friend named Janus, who really likes eating. A few months back, I was able to achieve my target weight and then I got sick. I caught dengue and the doctor prohibited me from dieting. So there, Janus keeps on driving me to different places to eat. I can honestly say that I like eating. Its something that soothes my spirit and controls my mood. So I always go with him. I suggest different restaurants with great ambiance and  food. He does the same thing as well. Then one day, while we were eating in Saint's Alp, I told him, "I think I should create a FOOD BLOG or the like coz we've been going to a lot of places and I want other people to see what are these places and why do they need to visit these places." Then he looked at me and said "That's a very bright idea!"

So here, I am starting with my blog. I'm supposed to be sleeping because I need to work by 10pm but since I cant sleep and I need to do something. I decided to work on my blog. So there, I am welcoming myself to the internet world again. and I'm hoping that pretty soon, I'll be having friends from the blogging world again.

Oh! Just so you know how I look like or at least have an idea. Aside from my profile. Let me share my photo. I'm a pure blooded Filipina and I think my cheeks shows how much I love eating.

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food." --George Bernard Shaw

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