Well, anyway, a lot has been going to in my life for the past few months. And I though "Hey! I should have everything documented." Yeah, so just you know, I'm by the way, a Mass Communications graduate; meaning I would like to have everything documented as much as possible. Could be via photo, video or yeaahh.. as obvious, a blog entry.
I have a friend named Janus, who really likes eating. A few months back, I was able to achieve my target weight and then I got sick. I caught dengue and the doctor prohibited me from dieting. So there, Janus keeps on driving me to different places to eat. I can honestly say that I like eating. Its something that soothes my spirit and controls my mood. So I always go with him. I suggest different restaurants with great ambiance and food. He does the same thing as well. Then one day, while we were eating in Saint's Alp, I told him, "I think I should create a FOOD BLOG or the like coz we've been going to a lot of places and I want other people to see what are these places and why do they need to visit these places." Then he looked at me and said "That's a very bright idea!"
So here, I am starting with my blog. I'm supposed to be sleeping because I need to work by 10pm but since I cant sleep and I need to do something. I decided to work on my blog. So there, I am welcoming myself to the internet world again. and I'm hoping that pretty soon, I'll be having friends from the blogging world again.
Oh! Just so you know how I look like or at least have an idea. Aside from my profile. Let me share my photo. I'm a pure blooded Filipina and I think my cheeks shows how much I love eating.
"There is no sincerer love than the love of food." --George Bernard Shaw
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